While browsing auctions.yahoo.co.jp I came across a really nice set of, for me, unknown rims under a bosozoku style Toyota Mark II MX41 Hardtop Grande. I looked it up and found them to be vintage Hart Racing rims:
12.5J wide Hart Racing rims on a Mark II MX41
Eventhough this picture is very blurry the Mark II really looks nice with those Hart Racing rims:
12.5J wide Hart Racing rims on a Mark II MX41
In my search on identifying these rims I found an old advertisement of Hart Racing rims on Japanese Nostalgic Car blog:
Hart Racing rims advertisement
They really are good looking rims, especially when they get a big lip after 10J and more!
Just in case you actually want to buy them:
12.5J Hart Racing rims on auctions.yahoo.co.jp
And how deep is your dish?
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