More auction rims: these 13J Hayashi Sakura rims were for sale up till last sunday. I already was familiar with the Sakura rims before but never this wide. They really look fantastic with a big lip like this one:
Deep dish 13J Hayashi Sakura rims
The rims itself are only a pair, so no full set. They have an offset of -78 which, according to my calculations, need about 15 cm of fender extenders to fit on my own car!
Deep dish 13J Hayashi Sakura rims
Even though these rims are back in production again since 2 years they really are something special!
damn dude, what do you drive? 15″ of flair! thats crazy! sexy rims though, I love Sakura’s, they are just out of mine price range! haha =(
Must have been sleeping when I wrote that… I meant centimeters but I write inches because all rims are measured in inches.

Thanks for pointing out!
Corrected it now to centimeters.
hahaha i was just like damn! his hubs must be flush with his fenders! hahah or sticking past it!
Those are just pornographic, how much did they sell for?
They are still for sale:
Cost only $3000 as buy-them-now price.