No, I did not make a mistake in the title. It was done deliberately because of these:
SSR Mk II 14 inch 10J/11J
Big deal: a pair of 14 inch 10J or 11J rims. What has this got to do with stretching then? Well have a look at this then:
SSR Mk II 14 inch 10J/11J with stretched tires
The seller gives you two (175/60 Continental EcoContact) stretched tires as a bonus!
SSR Mk II 14 inch 10J/11J with stretched tires
But there are some catches with these rims:
– seller doesn’t know the exact width (10J or 11J?) and offset
– one rim has kerb damage on its shoulder (has been polished away)
– mounting bolts are not included
[ Found on AYJ ]
This entry was posted in deep dish and tagged deep dish, SSR Mk. II, stretched tires by banpei with 1 comment
What size of tire is that?