In an old gallery with pictures from the Osaka Auto Messe 2006 I found this unknown car with a double exhaust:
Unknown double piped exhaust
From the front it looks a bit like a VW Passat B5 or but it surely isn’t…
At the rear the double exhaust pipes:
Unknown double piped exhaust
And some Mercedes looking tail lights. I really try to find out the type and brand but I had no success yet. Maybe a Subaru Legacy?
Dino Dalle Carbonare did it again, this time he spotted a Toyota Soarer GZ10 on the Drift Matsuri with a very very nice set of mild exhaust pipes:
Exhaust of the week: Soarer GZ10
Even though most people just like MOAR exhaust pipes (the bigger the better!) this set of pipes do not ruin the car it its drift environment.
The Soarer itself sits on a full set of SSR Longchamps pair of SSR Mk1s and the owner had a spare pair of SSR MK1s:
Exhaust of the week: Soarer GZ10
You can read more about this Soarer (and see more pics) on Speedhunters!
About everything is right on this Soarer: the big wing, the wide fenders, the V shaped exhaust pipes… It’s just that … color…
Toyota Soarer with V shaped exhaust pipes
I’m slowly coming out of the holiday mood, so let’s start posting some more good old exhausts!
This Mark II is having some big double chrome chimneys and is held to the car by a piece of string (attached somewhere in the trunk?):
Exhaust of the week: FET Sports Mark II GX71
Even the big spoiler next to those big chimneys is not that disturbing…
I like the overall design of the car. The blue and red granchan theme and the Olio Fiat logo mix together nicely:
Exhaust of the week: FET Sports Mark II GX71
Also those big wide fenders hide the SSR Mk IIs very well!
The BYD Soarer already made it a few times on this site: in Meeting Monday and the Hot or Not, but not yet in Exhaust of the Week:
BYD Soarer Bukkake exhaust
And no, the B in BYD does not stand for Bukkake!