About four years ago my whole bosozoku craze started with this Soarer GZ20:
Soarer GZ20 with double star shaped exhausts
I found it on Auctions Yahoo and thought it was the maddest thing I’ve ever seen!
Unfortunately the auction expired and I didn’t save the picture nor description and I didn’t think much of it later on. Until I found a copy of the pictures on an Yahoo Auction watch!
The great thing is that the Auction Watch kept the conversation records with the owner. Apparently the auction was repeatedly reported as “violation with the terms” because the car was considered illegal by law.
Also at the front this Soarer looks just as great:
Soarer GZ20 with double star shaped exhausts
Oil cooler: check, long lip: check, extended fenders: check, hood fins: check, deep dish SSR Mk 1: check!
The interior is a bit weird though:
Soarer GZ20 with double star shaped exhausts
WTF are all those things on the dash?
Found at [Yahoo Auction Watch]
by banpei with no comments yet
Jameson sent me a message that I should have a look what he did with his Cressida MX63. When I opened up his blog I was amazed by his accomplishment: he transformed the MX63 into a zokusha and even welded a sharknose on it!
Sharknose Cressida MX63
An amazing job if you take into consideration that this is what it looked like when he bought it a couple of months ago:
Sharknose Cressida MX63
Oh and the MX63 is not a Cressida anymore, it is called a Mark II nowdays:
Sharknose Mark II MX63
I also like this quote on his blog:
In my dads words… “YOU RUINED IT!!!” hahaha
Check out his blog for more pictures and updates: totallyirrelephant
by banpei with no comments yetAt first sight this kyusha kai Nissan Skyline KPGC10 doesn’t look that out of the ordinary. Take a good look when it passes a second time!
That’s a very wide set of 8 spoke RS Watanabe with very very stretched tires! Would this still count as hippari or rather insane?
This weeks wallpaper is the same car as we posted in August last year. The back side of this KGC111 reveals a bit more of the mad styling on this car!
Nissan Skyline C111 kaido racer
According to Auto Service Kousho it had a L28 swap, LSD and GT-R looks. Well, GT-R looks is a bit exaggerated!
Right-click here to download or set it as your wallpaper!
Found at [Auto Service Kousho]
by banpei with no comments yetMaybe a bit different type of meeting, but these two Toyota Mark IIs actually met at work!
The Mark II GX61 with rabbit-ear fender mirrors is owned by the poster of the video while the Mark II MX41 is owned by his friend.
Found at samurai7319 @ Youtube
by banpei with no comments yet