I found this great deep dish lip polishing guide on Coupe Kiwi (through R I V E R S I D E):
Deep dish polishing guide
It starts with removing old paint/laquer with P40 paper and touches all the topics up to the 2000 grit wet paper!
Shakotan Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-ES C210
Right-click here to download or set it as your wallpaper!
Found here
by banpei with no comments yet
Some more videos of the Three brother rods at the North Japan Custom Festival 2010 in Iwamizawa got posted by jyoutou:
Here you can see them crawling over the festival:
In case you are wondering how they actually get these cars to travel a few hundred kilometers to a meeting, this is how they do it:
Yes, simply with a truck! No hassle and no chance of destroying the ground scrapingly low front lip! 😉
A month ago I posted a R31 Silhouette in the exhaust of the week. Last week All Japan Express blog posted some more pictures of it:
Exhaust of the week: R31 silhouette
These night shots make the flakey paint come out much nicer than the shots from the Nagoya Classic Car Show!
Backlit Silhouettes rule:
Exhaust of the week: R31 silhouette
Yum yum yum!
I like the looks of the Butaketsu (????) Laurel (Nissan Laurel C130), especially if it sticks up its pigs butt on the highway like this one:
These two videos were shot by Zeppann13J. Hopefully more to come! 🙂