Time for something new: we do post certain auctions in the deep dish postings, but we hardly post anything interesting outside that section.
So, let’s start with this beautiful second generation Toyota Soarer:
Toyota Soarer E-MZ21 RS*R
The car has been painted in three different colors, just like the grachan style. At the front a 27 cm sharknose extension has been done and the taillights have been swapped.
Front wheels are 8.5J and the rear wheels are 10.5J wide. To fit these wheels the front fenders have been tapped out and some (small) fender extenders have been mounted at the rear
At first I thought the taillights were swapped for the Prince Skyline S50 series, but I was wrong:
Read on for more pictures and info…
Time for something new: we do post certain auctions in the deep dish postings, but we hardly post anything interesting outside that section.
So, let’s start with this beautiful second generation Toyota Soarer:
Toyota Soarer E-MZ21 RS*R
The car has been painted in three different colors, just like the grachan style. At the front a 27 cm sharknose extension has been done and the taillights have been swapped.
Front wheels are 8.5J and the rear wheels are 10.5J wide. To fit these wheels the front fenders have been tapped out and some (small) fender extenders have been mounted at the rear
At first I thought the taillights were swapped for the Prince Skyline S50 series, but I was wrong:
Toyota Soarer E-MZ21 RS*R
They are certainly early BMW 02 series taillights. How do I know for sure? My parents used to own a BMW 2002, but more about that in a later posting. 😉
Toyota Soarer E-MZ21 RS*R
This E-MZ21 Soarer is an automatic (just like 90% of all Soarers) and has same the 3 liter 7M turbo engine as found in the MA70 Supra.
The most striking is this comment placed two days ago:
The fact that there was a violation of the guidelines report two cases. What do you violate the law is that which is forbidden by law to sell?
In other words: this auction has been marked as illegal in two occasions. Indeed the seller states there are no documents with the car and it is unknown if the recycling fee has been paid. Now what would be the real history of that can then?
A few weeks ago Beeoneoneoh found this great zokusha on Auctions Yahoo:
Bosozoku car feature: Daihatsu Mira
Yes, that’s right: a Daihatsu Mira (also called Cuore outside Japan) with a chopped roof, an inflatable Deunan Knute sexdoll on the rear seat and parody chickens of Naruto and Goku painted all over the car! Or would it rather be an itasha instead?
Bosozoku car feature: Daihatsu Mira
WTF!? Lawson convenience store sponsorship on this zokusha?
Bosozoku car feature: Daihatsu Mira
From the rear you can still tell it is a Daihatsu Mira by the rear lights. Other than that there is not much resembling the original body anymore. 😉
Big thanks to Beeoneoneoh for finding this on Auctions Yahoo!
by banpei with 1 comment