Just spotted a video of the Early Cats meeting in my subscription list with some very very nice zokusha in it!
Can you guess which one of these two is my favorite? Is it the Cherry X-1R tail lighted Laurel c130 or the side exhausted and banana tail lighted Celica XX next to it?
You can watch the whole four minute parkinglot walk video below: (more…)
Gred pointed me at another picture the Skyline C210 featured a week ago in the part swap posting. This Skyline had a completely different color and vinyl paintscheme. Never the less it was still recognizable as the same car.
Skyline C210 lightning exhaust
Everything is the same on this car. Even the banana tail lights and the lightning exhaust pipes are the same!
Via [Gred]
I managed to actually find a Celica RA28 with some C110 tail lights on it!
Celica RA28 with C110 tail lights
Amazing how good these Skyline C110 tail lights look on a Celica. I wonder how much better the Celica liftback would have sold with these lights? On the other hand: the banana tail lights are also something special…
Found at [minimo_32]
Unfortunately I was not able to find something with Laurel parts, but I did find something with a Skyline C210!
Celica tail lighted Skyline C210
This Skyline C210 had a tail light swap from a Celica RA28/TA28! (also referred as the banana tail lights)
The extremely sharp zig zag lightning exhaust makes this yellow beast complete!