Remember the Lawswon Daihatsu Mira? The same person created a Daihatsu Move toilet zokusha now:
Daihatsu Move toilet zokusha
And as you can see some key elements are returning: the roofchop, the big cross and the blow up doll…
Nice thing about the current auction is that they provided a big gallery with several pictures. So they started out with an old beaten up Move:
Daihatsu Move toilet zokusha
One beaten up Move: check!
Then roofchopped it:
Daihatsu Move toilet zokusha
One rooftop: check!
And then added scooters, toilets and other accessories to it:
Daihatsu Move toilet zokusha
Wacky accessories: check!
The great thing is that you can actually buy it on Auctions Yahoo for a mere 1,900,000 yen (21,000 dollars!). You can find the action here: Daihatsu Move zokusha
by banpei with 1 comment