These deep dished steelies of at least 9J in width are custom made for an AE86 drift car, nevertheless I had to share this picture!
Measuring the width of your lip with a pack of Mild Sevens or a mobile phone is sooo last year! Measuring in cats is far more accurate!
Found at: Abdullah @
I found this beautiful kyusha kai Nissan Bluebird-U at the Dual Factory BBS. It features a set of deep dished steelies that are at least 9J wide!
Deep dish steelies on a Bluebird-U GTX
As you can see this Bluebird is the almost unobtainable GTX featuring a stretched nose to facilitate the 2 liter inline six. Amazing car!
Found at Dual Factory
This dishy Fairlady with a G-nosejob surely has had a lot of work done by Datsun Works:
Deep dish steelies on this Fairlady
Those over 10J wide steel rims surely look like a custom job to me!
Found at [y_0*8**8]
From the same source as the exhaust of this week a short video of deep dishes on the Tokyo Auto Salon 2011:
Found at [tyuubuak @ Youtube]
If you wonder if there are specialized shops for deep dish wheels, well here is one: Wide Wheel Co. Kamagaya
Wide Wheel dot Com?
They are specialized in widening wheels (from 5J to 10J!) and repairing aluminium wheels
And this is how sexy they make such 10J wheels look with a Toyo Proxes R888 tire:
Wide Wheel dot Com?
Damn sexy!
You can find them here.